Decontracting massage is a therapeutic technique that is used to treat muscle contractures, tension and stiffness. This type of massage involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body, in order to relax muscles, improve blood circulation and relieve pain. During the session, various techniques such as pressure, myofascial release and stretching are used to reduce tension and improve mobility. The decontracting massage is beneficial for those suffering from back pain, muscle pain or tension caused by stress or intense physical activity. Various instruments are also used such as Gua sha, Tok sen, Cups, Volcanic Stones and many others.

Benefits and Advantages

  • Pain relief - One of the main benefits of a decontracting massage is pain relief. By targeting specific areas of extreme tension, this type of massage can help reduce muscle pain, stiffness and discomfort.
  • Improved Mobility - Muscle knots and tightness can limit your range of motion and make simple activities much more challenging. A decontracting massage can help improve flexibility and mobility, loosening tense muscles and promoting better circulation.
  • Stress Reduction - Stress can cause physical problems, such as muscle tension and knots. A decontracting massage works not only by relaxing the body but also by calming the mind, helping it to release stress and repressed anxieties.
  • Improved posture - Poor posture is often the result of muscle imbalances and tension. By addressing these issues through targeted massage techniques, a decontracting massage can help improve posture and alignment.
  • Improvement of sleep - The relaxation and pain relief provided by a decontracting massage can also lead to a better quality of sleep. By promoting relaxation and reducing tension, this type of massage can help the patient relax and have a restful sleep.